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Wavelength: Video

Building Civic Empathy


My vision is to build a plat-form where the local inter-generational spat can be alleviated through guided interactions. 

I started with an interest in increasing civic engagement in society. 

How can we engage people in political discussions and help them feel more engaged in politics?

I created four prototypes and did suability testing on all of them to keep finding pain points and improving the user experience.

The ultimate product is to encourage people to come together and build connections.

My research included interviews, cultural probes, workshops and competitive analysis.

Wavelength: Text


Process Photos

Envisioning Cards

Envisioning Cards

At a co-design workshop, I distributed a set of envisioning cards that describe certain emo-tions or attitudes regarding current political events and asked them to form pairs to come up with a design that deals with these issues.

Research Through Design Workshop

Research Through Design Workshop

I conducted a co-design workshop where seven participants of different back-grounds co-created some tools to deal with common emotions. Choosing from a set of Envisioning cards, they designed based on the emotions of ‘Loss of Cul-ture’, ‘Powerlessness’ & ‘Fear of Future’.

Website Design

Website Design

In the website and app, I promised high-levels of security and encryption and clearly introducing how the algorithm feeds the person with recordings of those from other generations than him/her.

Website Map

Website Map

In the site, I tried to base some of the moderated chats on the four components of the Nonviolent Communication process, which are: observations, feelings, needs and requests.

App Map

App Map

Through four rounds of user testing, I found that participants preferred simplified content, more interactions (e.g. the ‘respond' function) with others, to be able to personalize their profiles and to have more anonymity.

Exhibition Booth

Exhibition Booth

Thanks to Hong Kong Polytechnic University for providing the resources and support for my final capstone Masters in Design project.

Wavelength: Gallery
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