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Sentient Corridor: Video

interactive installation


The Sentient Corridor is an interactive installation that involves tensile fabric, linear actuators, pressure sensors and proximity sensors.

We designed the installation to imitate a living organism that breathes and senses presence.

The fabric is controlled by linear actuators to give gradual breathing motions.

When people walk through it, proximity sensors detect them and will adjust the movement of the fabric accordingly.

When people touch on the fabric, the background music changes, conveying the ‘emotions’ being heightened.

When people touch the fabric on different sides, various melodies can be ‘created’, promoting a sociopetal collaboration even though the fabric creates sociofugal pockets where visitors can interact with it in their own spaces.

Sentient Corridor: Text


How We Did It

Initial Diagram of Installation

Initial Diagram of Installation

3D Rendering of Installation

3D Rendering of Installation

The Sentient Corridor is a living space that senses the presence of visitors and their touch upon the fabric walls.

3D Rendering of Installation

3D Rendering of Installation

The moving fabric conforms the space around the visitors, which creates places that are confined and private, and other places that are open and social.

Setting Up

Setting Up



The physical environment merges with the acoustic environment, as the visitors can change the music by interacting with the fabric.



It invites visitors to a sensory dance within an immersive and responsive soundscape that both bring people together and push them apart.

Sentient Corridor: Gallery
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